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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 1041 Qft Accounting

Instructions and Help about Are Form 1041 Qft Accounting

Okay, there guys. I'm gonna try and quickly make a few videos, rather than trying to type out long-winded answers on the forums. Hopefully, that will be a more efficient way of actually communicating some basic ideas, which sometimes can get quite convoluted and lost in text. Whereas a video can sometimes make things quite simple. I'm gonna make things quite simple today by simply using my daughter's toys, using DUPLO, in order to explain the concept of trust. Darrin here has said, "Daniel has said hi Philip. This is Danny. Could you please explain and briefly interpret what Trust are again? I've learned different legal forms in entities yesterday in his finance seminar, but we didn't cover trust, and I was quite confused of this concept." So, I think that's quite a reasonable question here because trusts are oftentimes quite legally complex and quite frankly our textbook and indeed most early year textbooks or most textbooks will just ignore trust altogether, despite the fact that trusts form the vast majority of small businesses out there as their legal form. Now, trusts are actually based off the ceased estates, and so I think it's worthwhile telling this story as if we're dealing with a deceased estate, and then we can more generalize this concept of what a trust is and how it operates. Deceased estates is where things originally started at, so in our story here, we have one, two, three characters, and these three characters are essentially grandma, who is the person who is going to pass away because we are talking about a deceased estate after all. We have a exactly tor, who is perhaps her brother or an uncle somehow, and we have a grandchild to Grandma who is essentially the beneficiary of the deceased estate. Let's...